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Here’s How Gaming Is Sapping Your Energy Away

Here’s How Gaming Is Sapping Your Energy Away

Whether you play for fun, sometimes, often or whether you are a serious competitor, you may be one of the millions that experience a drop in energy.

It is so common that there is even a name for the condition which is known as ‘Gaming Fatigue’ or ‘Gaming Burnout’.

It is not just about feeling a bit tired or out of sorts, it affects those who experience it, on a physical and on a mental level too, even to the point where they feel that they can no longer cope.

Mental and Physical Health

Regular aerobic exercise has been shown to be hugely beneficial for Gamers. It can massively boost mood and cognitive ability and you do not need to spend hours at it. 20 minutes per day is enough for you to benefit.

Your diet is also important for both your physical and your mental health. Small changes to what you eat can make a big difference to how you feel and perform.

Sugars, processed foods and sodas can leave you feeling sluggish and tired. Eating plant foods is always good, if you are a meat eater, then lean meats are best.

Taking care of your mental health by finding a technique that allows you time to relax and unwind, music, guided meditation, binaural beats, there is so much out there and it is about understanding that your mental health is every bit as important as your physical help.

Sleep is when your body rejuvenates and recovers. Your sleep needs to be for 7+ hours per night, uninterrupted. Cat naps during the day don’t work in the longer term.

Gaming Supplements

Nootropics are the go to supplement for smart Gamers.

They can deliver a powerhouse of nutrients to your brain for extra energy, uplifted mood, improved focus, memory and mental clarity. But before you dash off to Google, you should be aware that not all brands are created equally.

Here at God Gamer, we have produced our Nootropic using nutrients and doses according to scientific studies and as Gamers ourselves, we demand the very best.

We also offer a range of other products to complement our Nootropic. All our products are designed to bring about sustainable improvements and as such, they are caffeine free. You can check out our flagship product, Mind Hack, here:

Mind Hack
$57.00 $72.00

Learn to Support Yourself when Gaming

You can use techniques which are helpful during your Gaming session too

  • Take regular short breaks, even a walk around the house allows you to stretch and use some of your other muscles
  • Open a window and let some fresh air circulate
  • Stretch regularly, you can do this when seated
  • Be aware of your posture and how you are sitting
  • Make sure that you are not staring at the screen without blinking, this can cause damage to your eyes over the longer term. You may have heard of the 20-20-20 rule to protect your vision. After each 20 minutes of staring at the screen, move your focus away to something that is 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
  • Breathe properly and avoid shallow breathing
  • Hand and wrist problems are common with Gamers, you might want to focus on exercises for this area
  • Have you thought of a standing desk, or a combination of standing and sitting, not only is it great for your posture but for the health of the whole body too.
  • Drink enough water to keep yourself hydrated but not too much that you will be forced to run to the toilet every few minutes.
  • Remember to eat and avoid the temptation to snack on ultra unhealthy food

Look for Early Warning Signs

It is important to spot the early signs and do something to prevent a further deterioration. Warning signs can include:

  • Anxiety
  • Forgetting things
  • Feeling tired and irritable
  • Oversleeping or wanting to sleep more
  • Headaches
  • Losing interest in social activities
  • Becoming fed up
  • Low mood
  • Onset of physical aches and pains
  • Unclear thinking / loss of sharpness

Gaming burnout can be characterised by the following symptoms:

  • Feeling of exhaustion to the point where you just need to sleep
  • Feeling unrefreshed even after a good sleep
  • Life has become boring and you can’t be bothered
  • Muscle / joint aches and pains
  • Low mood which you can’t shake
  • Reduction in performance
  • Chronic headaches
  • Catching more colds and flus
  • Irritable and quick to anger
  • Withdrawing from previously enjoyable activities
  • Isolation


So how does it happen?

Whilst much is understood about the needs of those involved in physical sports, there is less attention focused on the needs of those involved in esports.

Put simply, burnout happens when you are consistently expecting more from your body than it has to give.

It is an equation really, our food is turned into energy which we use for our activities and depending on what we eat and how well we absorb our food, will determine how much energy that we have.

When we put our bodies under a physical or mental stress, this uses up considerably more in the way of its resources. Gamers have to focus, they are on the edge, success, disappointment, grinding to be better all the time.

Sad but true, many of the professional Gamers give up their careers by the time they have reached their mid 20s as the relentless grind takes its toll. Hours and hours of practice, the top competitors can clock up to 14 hours per day at the sport.

Even for the amateur, there is always the desire to be better, maybe we have put expectations on ourselves or maybe others have expectations of us, whatever way, the pressure can be overwhelming.

Gaming is becoming more and more lucrative and as that happens so does the desire to share in some of the millions of dollars available. Gamers can also find that their other activities can be compromised, social activities, romantic relationships, so Gamers are all consumed with nothing else to provide distraction or relief.

On top of that, aches and pains, repetitive strain injuries develop and the pain of that can interfere with focus and motivation.

Gaming does sap energy and it is an often overlooked fact. Sensible preparation and simple steps can encourage your body to work to give you all of the energy that you will ever need.

If you're looking for an easier life, get a gaming boost with Mind Hack and propel your gaming performance today:

Mind Hack
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